Weeee ~
Today was my second day working at Nike @ Sunway Carnival Mall xD
Who0ps ~
Previously, i thought that stand at any boutiques very fun and enjoy
Especially those "high" class shop ~
Totally not what i thought !
Is really damn freaking damn tired = =
Have to stand whole day when there's customer ~
Wow ~
I'm now respect those people who can work so long ~_~
It's really tiring = =
But fun also la xD
My work place got 3 girl promoters and me (anonymous) cuz i also blur what my post - -
Hahaha ~ Those girls very talkative - -
Oh My Gosh ~!
Hmmphz ~ Only got 1 can see nia @_@
Hahaha ~ But they quite friendly la ~
We chating all funny jokes, talk craps, nonsences ~ Kap siao = =
I can't believe i still can stick with them - -
Don't know will become girlish or not @_@ (Sure Won't !)
Kakakaka ~
Too bad ~
I have to work 3 days for full and 3 days for Noon (1pm ~ 10pm)
Awww ~ Somemore have to take my dumb nerd MPW resit at 30th May = =
Hmmphz .... My working place can't read books = = Don't say study = =
But the girl which interview me say
"You curi curi study lo, but if kena don't say i give permission 1 can already"
I heard jor abit shocked - -
Hahaha ~
Aiyo ...
Wei ~ You guys a ~
So say "friends" if got heart, come "visit" me la ~
Damn boring la wei ~
Ok la ~ i stopped here ~
Damn tired = =
Sleep already ~
Night Guys !
11:09 PM |
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