Moody = =
Damn sux = =
Saturday i have to resit my MPW already =(
Hope everything run smoothly ~
Hopefully pass it ^_^
So that !
I can enjoy my day at TAIWAN @ 2nd of June to 6th June ~
Muahahaha ~
Always ask me for souvenir= =
I'm totally broke ~
I'm a poor guy T_T
But will buy some for "some" people ~
Don't worry =) It's you already ~ Dun look around xD
Depends also la ~
But some best buddies will receive as well =)
Kekekee ~
Hmmphz ~
Work almost 3 weeks d ~
2 bros come accompany me work at same place but different shop @_@
Kakakaa ~ but still can craps and nonsences during our break time @_@
Hahaha ` This week New Zealand Natural got promotion @_@
Every people who born in this world gonna get a free Junior Ice cream @_@
But limited for 1st 50 person at 5pm ~ 8pm and only available this week @_@
Too Bad ~ Yesterday i got the 1st few people but today - -
Oh My Gosh !
Queue til like Siao Kia @_@
All people queue thr early at 4.50 ++ pm
Really crazy = =
Luckily got 1 leng lui willing to queue for me asked me to gave IC @_@
Really Thx her xD ( Colleageus lai )
Then quickly ask other friend go for queue @_@
Unfortunately, Kang Quan have to guard shop @_@
We insufficient people to help him @_@
Haiz ~ Sry KQ xD
Nvm la ~ You rich people xD can buy large 1 xD
Not like me - - Poor people - -
Damn sad ~
Ops ~
Has to go xD
Bye Guys xD
12:17 AM |
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