I got an extraordinary feel to BLOGGING !
Who0ps ~
Today went for my MPW resit at 8am xD
But have to fetch father go airport - -
Always fly here fly there = =
Damn busy man @_@
But he not busy
I eat "grass" already xD
Guess my mum too ? xD
Too bad ~_~ Fetch my dad at 6 something @_@
I reach Inti at 6.45am = =
Oh My Gosh !
It's totally none of one there ~_~
I dunno whatsoever brave to went in - -
It's quite horror = =
It's too silence - -
When i step, got echo surrounding my ear = =
Damn freaking terror = =
I went down to level 4 and start my study ~
Too bad - -
What i study for didn't comes out in my exam - -
My mind is totally blank - -
Hope can pass with those few words that i wrote @_@
God Bless = =
After my exam, go find YM and WL @_@
Kakakaka ~
They went for some "funny" stuff that you cant imagine xD
But i promised wont tell xD
If you were on the spot @_@
Surely faint or shocked xD
Kakakakaka ~ xD
After that we went for our lunch - -
God damn - -
Stupid YM introduce me to eat the "spicy" ramen
Got 10 level of spicy
I ordered the most spicy 1 for sure xD
But was regret to order = =
It's damn freaking spicy and hot - -
I wont order it again - -
After the lunch ~ WL said want to went back d
Have to fetch brother wo ~
Me and YM went for movie lo
Night at The Muziem 2
Wow !
Fantastic movie !
xD Damn funny xD
Strongly recomended ^_^
After movie, surely i back home xD
Reach home at about 7 pm something @_@
Mum was just reach before me xD
Then ~ ~ ~
Lazy write d = =
Sleep le la - -
Good night guys ~
12:32 AM |
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