Muahahahahaha ~!
It's really relax abit le xD
Finally i complete 5 paper jor xD
Left last paper which drop at coming Monday xD
Hope everything will be fine xD
Too bad >_<
Just kao tim my
Stupid Freaking Irritating WIRELESS ROUTER nia = =
Been stop serving me for 2 days - -
Damn BORED = =
That's y din blogging xD
Kakakaka ~!
Yahoo ~!
Sister and i keep count down for going HK xD
Been long time din go overseas jor ~
Daddy ask us go there shop til ki siao xD
Buy 14 set of clothes for CNY
From 初一 til 十五 xD
Sot jor Sot jor xD
Celebrate my birthday there somemore ~ !
And same day with my Daddy's Mummy's 20th Anniversary xD
Kakakakakaka ~ !
Too excited :p
Hohoho ~ !
Sot jor = =
Erm ....
Anyways ~
I still have 1 test to go ~
Gambateh for da final test !
CFP ~ !
Cheers ~ !
Gambateh xD
3:26 PM |
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Comments (2)
U really sot jor......
U oso wan 2 SHoPPin ma!!!
Yet, stil say me.....
Buy 16 ler and then one keep for me =P