Oh yea yea ~
Oh la la ~
Finally finish my ECO 105 !
Quite happy xD
Cuz what i studied really come out =)
Too bad ~ 1st people who come out again xD LOLx
Kang Quan say people used to compete their result
But as for me only the time who the 1st that rushing out >_<
Quite true actually xD
I don't like the feeling inside the Exam Hall ~
I think most all us also got this freaking feel, right ?
Hahaha ~
Aiya ~ currently do nth with 2moro paper @_@
Guess what i'm doing >.<
Too bad ! Gaming again ~! Hohoho ~
2day went to Imegration Department to renewal my passport >_<
My stupid sister's thumbprint couldn't to be read by the device - -
The person there says her thumb already spoil >_<
Laugh til my stomachache >_<
And also headache with her thumb - -
Fetch her to make her a temporary I.C to renewal her passport - -
Awww ~ Too bad !
After we get the Temporary I.C
We going back the Imegration Department to update her passport
End up ~!
The Temporary I.C have to be Cop by the What What HQ At penang
Really Sweat ~!
Awww ~ I give up for helping her - -
Ask my father to done everything for her already = =
Too tired ~!
Luckily my thumb was normal
With 136 fingerprint strip for right and 140 for left ~
My sister just have 24 for right thumb and 66 for left 1 - -
Really Alien - -
Hahaha ~ In the midst of doing this and that
Really drive me and mum crazy with joy xD
Ops ~!
My stomach calling me >_<
Going to have my dinner jor xD
Hope 2moro test will be fine xD
Gambateh CFP ~!
All da Best for u guys xD
7:36 PM |
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