Wooo ~ Quite upset that only 26 out of 60 marks for my Malaysian Studies ~
Gonna be hard for me to pass this time - -
Really drive me crazy that have to get 60/100 to pass this paper in final = =
Whoever knows me sure get the idea that my History(Sejarah) never pass be4
Gonna be a hard time for me ~
Haiz .... Really SAD !
Why majoring business course have to take this fucking pissed off subject = =
Argh ~ !!!
Sien nia ~
Between =( Already told mum that ~
Going to fail this subject as the passing percentage just 20% for me = =
Haiz ...
Anyways, guys ~ Any place suggest to go for vacation other than genting ?
Anyone ?
Thx if you guys could give some nice place =)
9:49 PM |
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