Awww ...
The thing i don't want finally happen ~ !
An intimate strange voice from my phone ~
Ahh ... Why this world so cruel ?
Could it be more fair to me ?
It's really bothersome !
I don't mind to answer your call
But could you please give me preparation ?
I haven used to it yet !
Suddenly say want come back to me ?
You think is that easy to compound ?
For years never met ~
Suddenly ask me for this kind of favor ~
Please don't !
It's hard to accept for it !
Thought you will forget what we have did previously
But you didn't !
That time you say "Will"
But now you say "Want"
Do you think is that posible ?
It's really need time to digest it ~
Sorry for didn't please your request ~
I really hard to believe this notoriety ~
Sorry ~ Rachel Lim H.Y
12:49 AM |
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Comments (1)
I understand ur post~
Lol, nt bad ma, Mr Christ... xD