30th December 2008
Hohoho ~
I reach at GuangZhou about 4 pm sumthing
After 2 hours journey of traveling by bus ~
The scene along the street damn nice !!!
All green green 1 ~
After reached GuangZhou ~
Our tour guide took us to have our dinner ~
Omg !!!
The dishes is fucking damn it rich
Got about 12 dishes include soup, dessert, and appetizer !
Omg ~ this dinner really drive me full til gonna vomit ~
But GuangZhou there have their own etiquette
We must left little food in our plate,
Or else they thought you haven full or they dishes no nice ~
Quite weird right ?
Hahaha ~
After having my dinner
The tour bus fetch us go our Hotel
NanYang ChangSheng Hotel
Omg ~ Another 5 star hotel !!!
Damn it grand ~ And Luxurious !
All the furniture, tools with pure gold
Really What The Hell = =

Steam Bath and Sauna ~

Single bed

My mum's bed room

The corridor
Nice Right ? xD
But the tempeture at there about 10 ~ 17 = =
Really cold til ...
31 December 2008
We have our own travel with Roti Car @_@
We go BeiJing Road walking street ~
There got alot shop selling clothes and so on ~
But none of them suit me = =
Cuz all is winter set ~
Omg sia = =
The Staff in the shop have to stand on a stool to sell things = =
Really Sweat !
And da people walking on the road is fucking many = =
You cant even saw a small little piece of road = =
Just follow the people and walk and walk and walk ~
We having our lunch at GuangDong restuarant, MiLiFang Restuarant
Damn it delicious man !
The taste of food almost same like Malaysia ~
Quite suit for us xD
After taking our lunch we continue walk @_@
Luckily got one Shopping Mall less people
So Called Tian He Guang Chang ~
Er ... The things at there with the price of 4 digit = =
That's y less people = =
But my father say the things quite cheap = =
Because the price at Malaysia even more expensive compare to there
Then we shop at there lo ~
Hahaha ~ My father bought me a belt as my birthday present again xD
And he also bought 1 pair of leather shoes and belt xD
Who0ps ! Saw 2 pair of couple shoes not bad xD
My sister and i try xD
Then my mum say buy lo xD
Luckily still in Sales Season xD
If not ~ the price gonna be very high @_@
Hahaha ~
We consider got harvest lo
Then we bought few buns and cakes for our dinner T_T
Too poor jor ~ Haiz ...
Have to eat Buns and Cakes = =
Hahaha ~
We took Taxi back hotel ~
Omg ! With only RMB 27 and the distance about 10 Km ++
Fuiyoh !!!
Damn cheap xD
My sister and i went my mum's room to have our "dinner"
And watch The concert having at BeiJing xD
Then i notice that got Wifi in the room xD
I take my father's laptop and online lo xD
Blogging ~ Chating ~ and Sufting the map ~
Hahaha ~
Whole night nothing to do ~
Quite a Boring Birthday ~
1st January 2009
Wakakakaka ~
Grand New day for 2009 xD
We having our best day in GuangZhou with our tour guide xD
He took us to visit the commemoration and historical place ~
Hohoho ~ GuangZhou quite a nice place to visit with nice view
First place to visit is XunZhongSan Da Hui Tang xD
I think everyone know XunZhongSan right ?
This place is to commemorate XunZhongSan
We took quite alot pictures at there
After visited
We went WuYangDiaoXiang mountain
To see the fable statue of FiveGoat xD
We also took few pictures there
After this visit
We went for XiGuanDaWu
An old historical house stayed a few rich family xD

Study Place

Old-style wedding xD

LouYe sit place xD

Feng Shui rock ~ originally form from sea

100 ++ years tree
Who0ps ~
Lunch Time again xD
12 dishes again = =
Eat til i damn full ~
Hahaha ~ after having my lunch
We go shopping again !
Omg la - -
The Shang Xia Jiu Lu really sux !!!
More people then then previous street = =
Really sien !
Cant shop also ~
Btw ~ all cheap cheap eh items and things
Nth to buy also xD
Hahaha ~
Walk walk walk ~
Then went a very famous snatching photo place
So called ZhuJiangHe ~
Hahaha ~
Really nice place !
But my camera no battery jor - -
Cant take photo = =
Haiz ~ Damn wasted ~
After that ~
We went a Huge Shopping Mall
That selling all high class things = =
Also 4 digit ++ eh !!!
Hahaha ~
But din buy anything also ~
Just walk walk to pass time ~
Btw ! The book at there damn cheap = =
Cost about RMB 25 ++ nia
RM 12 ++ only per each !
Bought 2 books xD
It's worth to buy !
Hahaha ~
Erm ~
Nth jor lo ~
2nd January 2009
Time's to back Home ~
12 pm something bus send us to BaiYun Airport
But our departure time at 2.40 pm = =
Really sien !
Have to wait quite a long time @@
But no choice ~
Have to wait also ~
Hahaha ~
Reach penang about 11 pm = =
Then went for supper ~
Hohohoho ~
Long time din eat Malaysia Food le (6 days)
Hahaha ~
Stop here le ~