Many people say 
Why you won't unhappy 
Why you won't get mad or angry easily 
Why you treat people so nice 
Why you always have friends besides
Why you can be so optimistic
Why you ...

I was curious sometimes 
Why they ask so ?
Once a time I'll also ask myself 
Why I'll be like that
It's really without any reasons
I used to be like that 
That's my personality

But you treat people nice 
Doesn't mean they will be sincere to you 
They might using you
How miserable !?
My father told me 
You cannot wholeheartedly to people
Once the days come 
They'll not appreciate what you have done to them !
They'll say it's none of your business ! Why you bother !?
They might ignored you when you are in difficult !
They might betray you when they came into trouble !
This is what we called humanity !

It's true!
Don't be so idiotic 
It's not neccesary that they MUST help you !
Those close friend might be your enemy one day
Don't so easily to believe what they have said 
Treat people nicely is not a must ~
But if they are really sincere to you 
They will not care about how you treat them ...
Do what you can do 
Don't crossed the limit ~! 
Agree ?

Thanks for those who comfort me before 
Really sincere to me 
And those who always be my side !
I'll not forget how you guys treat me !

Comments (6)

On October 16, 2008 at 10:43 PM , Eddie Lim said...

You treat me well,
I treat you well,
You step on me,
Then you will know what will be happpend!

My law of Communicating...

On October 17, 2008 at 3:26 PM , ChristCLy said...

You not really know me very well ~
Once you come across my life ~ You'll know who actually Lee Xian Hua is !

On October 18, 2008 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous said...

So are you a nice person pr a bad person?

Hope that you are a good friend ler =)

On October 18, 2008 at 6:39 PM , ChristCLy said...

Don't know ?
What do you think leh ?
It's other's on my view ~
Not my own view of mine ~

On October 18, 2008 at 9:04 PM , Miss C said...

Frm my point of view,
Lee Xian Hua is a good friend.
At least u sincere 2 us~ ^^

On October 19, 2008 at 5:51 AM , ChristCLy said...

Fuiyoh !
Thx Missy xD